Conference paper

SOI CMOS technology with 360GHz fT NFET, 260GHz fT PFET, and record circuit performance for millimeter-wave digital and analog system-on-chip applications


We present record-performance RF devices and circuits for an SOI CMOS technology, at 35nm Lpoly. Critical RF/analog figure of merits in FET such as current gain cut-off frequency (fT), 1/f noise, and high-frequency noise figure at various bias and temperature conditions are measured and modeled to enable high-performance circuit design. Measurement results show peak fT′s of 340GHz and 240GHz for 35nm L poly NFET and PFET, respectively. At sub-35nm Lpoly, 360GHz fT NFET and 260GHz fT PFET are demonstrated. High-Q, high-density vertical native capacitors (VNCAPs) and on-chip inductors are integrated. RF-operable ring oscillator (RFRO) demonstrates a 3.58psec delay and a SSB phase noise of - 107dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset. LC-tank VCO operates at 70GHz with 9.5% tuning range. The maximum operating frequency of a static CML divider is 93GHz while dissipating 52.4mW.
