Conference paper

Leveraging cloud platform for custom application development


Compared with packaged application, custom application developments (CAD) experience the frustration of higher project overhead and less certainty. The typical time spent on building the infrastructure for a CAD project is, on average, several weeks. Project uncertainty comes from unique customer requirements and lack of standardized methods and toolsets to follow. Therefore, a CAD project is more difficult to achieve cost reduction and asset reuse. In this paper, we present a cloud platform to alleviate this problem through an integration of a) standard methods; b) standardized toolsets aligned with those methods; c) project management environments with pre-defined work breakdown structure (WBS) aligned with those methods and toolsets; and d) infrastructure support from the cloud technology. We believe that such a cloud platform will become a fundamental approach for large enterprises to develop CAD or other solutions for their clients. © 2011 IEEE.
