Discrete Applied Mathematics

Irredundancy in circular arc graphs

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A set of vertices X is called irredundant if for every x in X the closed neighborhood N[x] contains a vertex which is not a member of N[X-x], the union of the closed neighborhoods of the other vertices. In this paper we show that for circular arc graphs the size of the maximum irredundant set equals the size of a maximum independent set. Variants of irredundancy called oo-irredundance, co-irredundance, and oc-irredundancy are defined using combinations of open and closed neighborhoods. We prove that for circular arc graphs the size of a maximum oo-irredundant set equals 2β* or 2β*+1 (depending on parity) where β* is the strong matching number. We also show that for circular arc graphs, the size of a maximum co-irredundant set equals the maximum number of vertices in a set consisting of disjoint K1's and K2's. Similar results are proven for bipartite graphs. © 1993.



Discrete Applied Mathematics


