Conference paper

IT service management automation - A hybrid methodology to integrate and orchestrate collaborative human centric and automation centric workflows


People, processes, technology and information are the essential building blocks for creating a successful IT infrastructure in today's fast-paced, service-focused marketplace. ITIL which is recognized as the de facto standard for service management is a process based approach. ITIL focuses on a set of integrated processes which run the gamut from highly interactive and dynamic processes such as problem determination to highly repeatable processes such as patch deployment which are best handled in a fully automated, non-interactive fashion. The ability to support and integrate the full spectrum of interactivity for these processes with the appropriate level of automation is crucial for the service provider. Also key is the ability to identify opportunities to increase the level of automation as maturity and technology permit. In this paper, we propose a conceptual methodology for IT service management process automation that leverages the ontological relationships between process artifacts and resource artifacts to develop data aware processes for an effective automated approach to integrate both highly automated and human centric process models. The objective is to develop a systematic approach that addresses the needs of an IT organization in order that highly automated operational processes work in conjunction with collaborative human decision centric processes in order to effectively deliver IT services. In addition, we propose a complexity model to assist in identifying automation opportunities to satisfy the need for continuous efficiency and cost improvement. © 2007 IEEE.
