Werner Geyer


Chief Scientist Human-Centered AI | Principal Research Scientist | ACM Distinguished Member
Werner Geyer


I’m currently leading the AI Interaction team in Cambridge,MA and Yorktown, NY. I am also global strategy lead for Human-Centered AI at IBM Research. My team is an interdisciplinary group of HCI & ML researchers, software engineers, and designers. Our research is situated at the intersections of Artificial Intelligence and User Experience. We are leveraging AI to build intelligent interactive systems and visual experiences that help us study and understand human AI interaction. We are exploring models and experiences that are explainable, trustable and learn from user interactions with the goal to inform the future design and construction of intelligent systems, tools, and platforms.

For more details about past projects, check out my external web page at http://wernergeyer.com



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Justin Weisz

Justin Weisz

Manager, Senior Research Scientist, and Strategy Lead, Human-Centered AI