Efficient Skip Connections Realization for Secure Inference on Encrypted Data
- Nir Drucker
- Itamar Zimerman
- 2023
- CSCML 2023
Dr. Nir Drucker is an applied cryptography researcher at IBM Research - Haifa, Israel, the AI security group. He holds a Ph.D. in applied mathematics (cryptography) from the University of Haifa and an M.Sc. degree in operations research from the faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management of the Technion I.I.T.
Before IBM, he worked 3.5 years as a senior applied scientist in AWS, the cryptographic algorithms team. In addition, he worked 8 years as a software developer at Intel in two teams: a) a team that developed low-level security features (e.g., SGX) in FW/SW; b) a team that developed a CAD VLSI timing verification simulator in C/C++.
His research interests involve applied cryptography and applied security. In particular, he is interested in research that combines these domains with the latest development in the machine-learning field. For example, researching Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning solutions that involve Homomorphic Encryption or MPC.
For more information visit https://sites.google.com/view/druckernir/