Hironobu Takagi


Accessibility Research, STSM, IBM Research - Tokyo
Hironobu Takagi


Hello, I'm Hironobu Takagi. Since 1999, I've been at IBM Research, focusing on accessibility research to improve lives, particularly for those with disabilities. My work, recognized by an h-index of 34 and an i10-index of 90, spans developing technologies like a web accessibility tools to an autonomous navigation robot, emphasizing human-centered AI. In addition to IBM, I'm an Executive Director at Miraikan, where I help shape our approach to inspiring innovation and understanding in science and technology. My career reflects a commitment to leveraging technology for societal benefit and my goal is to foster a more inclusive world through innovation.

I received best paper awards at ACM ASSETS 2002 and 2009 and won an achievement award from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2011. He is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology and ACM.

Twitter: hirotakagi

Googole Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.jp/citations?user=NAAdydEAAAAJ



  • Asakawa, C. and Takagi, H. Transcoding. A Chapter In Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research, Simon Harper and Yeliz Yesilada. pp. 231-261, 2008.
  • Asakawa, C. and Takagi, H. Text Entry for People with Visual Impairments. In TEXT ENTRY SYSTEMS, Scott MacKenzie, I. and Tanaka-Ishii, K., Ed. Morgan Kaufmann. pp. 305-318, 2006.
  • Borodin, Y, Kawanaka, S., Takagi, H., Kobayashi, M., Sato, D., & Asakawa, C. (2010). Social Accessibility. No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web (p. 347). Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Takagi, H. (2011a). Technologies for Full-text Digitization. Modern Library. (in Japanese)
  • Takagi, H. (2011b). Information accessibility during emergencies. ProVision, (70), 60-65. IBM Japan. (in Japanese)




  • Helping visually-impaired users to independently walk around and self-navigate

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