IBM Granite now has eyesResearchKim Martineau26 Feb 2025Computer VisionGenerative AIGraniteNatural Language Processing
IBM and Cleveland Clinic unveil the first quantum computer dedicated to healthcare researchNewsMike Murphy and Bethany Douglas21 Mar 2023Accelerated DiscoveryHealthcareQuantum NetworkQuantum Systems
Leading the future of semiconductors in Japan to power the devices of tomorrowNewsMike Murphy13 Dec 2022Semiconductors
IBM is infusing robots with AI to monitor critical systems at the edge NewsMike Murphy07 Dec 2022AIEdge Computing
The path to 1 nanometer chips and beyondResearchMike Murphy05 Dec 2022ChipletsDesign and EnablementIntelligent FabLogic ScalingSemiconductors
Bringing massive AI models to any cloudNewsMike Murphy17 Nov 2022AIFoundation ModelsHybrid CloudScaling AI
The future of computer chips is being built in AlbanyDeep DiveMike Murphy24 Oct 2022AI HardwareChipletsDesign and EnablementIntelligent FabLogic ScalingSemiconductors
Building an open-source future for scientific discoveryNewsMike Murphy13 Jul 2022Accelerated Discovery
The groundbreaking AI paper at the foundations of multilingual natural language processingResearchMike Murphy06 Jul 2022AINatural Language Processing
You have Thanksgiving turkey to thank for LASIKExplainerMike Murphy22 Nov 20217 minute readHardware TechnologyHealthcareImpact Science
How IBM Research is accelerating discoveries in the fight against COVID-19ResearchMike Murphy12 Oct 202110 minute readExploratory ScienceHealthcareImpact ScienceNeuro-symbolic AI