MM 2010
Conference paper

SCOTT: Set cover tracing technology

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In this paper, we describe SCOTT: a demonstration system that uses the Set Cover Tracing algorithm for determining the source of pirate content. This algorithm is very efficient in dealing with collusion attacks - the performance is close to linear in the number of colluders. However, the algorithm is based on the Set Cover Problem, which is known to be NP hard. SCOTT confirms the assertion in the original paper that a set cover algorithm is efficient in this particular application. The SCOTT system is suitable for use in a commercial application; the most notable of which is tracing the source of pirate Blu-ray movies. (Blu-ray players contain a built-in tracing traitors key assignment.) It also contains a visualization of the tracing process. After each pirate movie, SCOTT displays the universal of all players and its estimate of guilt for each player. © 2010 Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).



MM 2010