Conference paper

Reproducibility Companion Paper: MeTILDA - Platform for Melodic Transcription in Language Documentation and Application


This companion paper supports the replication of the development and evaluation of "MeTILDA - Platform for Melodic Transcription in Language Documentation and Application"that we presented in the ICMR 2021. MeTILDA aims to help document and analyze pitch patterns of endangered languages including Blackfoot, whose prosodic system is characterized by pitch movements. It develops a new form of audio analysis (termed MeT scale which is a perceptual scale) and automates the process of creating visual aids (Pitch Art) to provide more effective visuals of perceived changes in pitch movement. In this paper, we explain the file structure of the source code and publish the details of our data as well as system operations. Moreover, we provide a link to the demo video for facilitating the use of our platform.
