International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications

k-Pairs non-crossing shortest paths in a simple polygon

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This paper presents a simple O(n + k) time algorithm to compute the set of k non-crossing shortest paths between k source-destination pairs of points on the boundary of a simple polygon of n vertices. Paths are allowed to overlap but are not allowed to cross in the plane. A byproduct of this result is an O(n) time algorithm to compute a balanced geodesic triangulation which is easy to implement. The algorithm extends to a simple polygon with one hole where source-destination pairs may appear on both the inner and outer boundary of the polygon. In the latter case, the goal is to compute a collection of non-crossing paths of minimum total cost. The case of a rectangular polygonal domain where source-destination pairs appear on the outer and one inner boundary12 is briefly discussed.



International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications


