Conference paper

High field transport properties of 2D and nanoribbon graphene FETs


The unique electronic properties of graphene have ignited active research in the past few years. Though in theory its electronic structure and transport properties are well known the applicability as channel replacement material in conventional CMOS technology is still an open question. High mobility [1] and high current carrying capacity [2] makes graphene very attractive but on the other hand low ION/IOFF ratio and the lack of sufficient saturation are yet unsolved drawbacks. In the past we were able to drive back-gated 2D graphene transistors to saturation regime [2]. Now we present the realization of these properties in double-gated graphene nanoribbon field effect transistors (GNR FETs). We were able to achieve ION/IOFF ratio of 103 using either top- or back-gates and we analyzed the high field characteristics of such devices. © 2009 IEEE.
