Conference paper

A Buck converter with 240pW quiescent power, 92% peak efficiency and a 2×106 dynamic range


Power conversion in increasingly constrained systems [1-3] requires extremely low quiescent power in sleep mode to enhance lifetimes. At the same time, a wide dynamic range [5,6] without compromising efficiency is required to handle heavily duty-cycled loads or varying power from energy-harvesting sources. In this paper, we present an inductive Buck converter operating on inputs of 1.2 to 3.3V, outputs of 0.7 to 0.9V, and delivering from 100pA to 1mA with a peak efficiency of 92% and a quiescent power of 240pW. Figure 10.8.1 shows the block diagram of the chip, which includes clock generation, output regulation, a discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) power stage with zero-current switching (ZCS) and input under-voltage (UV) checking.
