Since joining IBM in 1998, he has been involved in research on automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, and natural language processing. He has been the Technical Assistant to the Director of IBM Research - Tokyo in 2009-2010. He received a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Tsukuba in 2016. He has applied speech recognition technology to a variety of businesses and has received awards from the academic community. He is a member of the Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ). and a senior member of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ).
- IPSJ Senior Member (2017/10-)
- Representative member of IPSJ. (2017/4-2018/3)
- Program committee member of the 79th IPSJ National Convention. (2016/4-2017/6)
- Chief Examiner of Editorial Committee of IPSJ Magazine (2016/4-2017/3), Secretary (2015/4-2016/3), Member (2013/4-2017/3)
- Steering committee member, IEICE Technical Committee on Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication (NLC), (1999/5-2003/4)
- IPSJ Industrial Achievement Award, 'Research and deployment of Watson Speech-to-Text, cloud-based speech recognition system with multiple language support', 2020
- Technical Development Award, 'The creation of the real-time call center agent support system using Watson Speech To Text, a cloud-based automatic speech recognition service', The Acoustical Society of Japan. 2018
- Best Paper Award of the 59th IPSJ National Convention. 1999