Lam Hoang


Research Staff Member, Master Inventor
Lam Hoang


Welcome to my personal website. I earned my specialist degree with honors in applied mathematics and computer science from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, in 2007. In 2013, I obtained my PhD in computer science with cum laude distinction under the supervision of Professor Toon Calders and Professor Paul De Bra at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands. My recent research focuses on AI for science, including the development of foundational models for scientific data such as molecules and proteins.


  • IBM Corporate Technical Award for AutoAI 2021
  • IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for 'Toward automating the AI lifecycle with AutoAI' 2019
  • IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for 'z AI and Modernization for the z15' 2019
  • IBM Master Inventor 2022
  • My PhD thesis was nominated by  the department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology in 2014. for the  best PhD thesis award Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in December 2014
  • Nominated for the best paper award at SIAM Data Mining Conference SDM 2012.

Academic service:

  • Conference PC member: NeurIPS (since 2021), ICLR (since 2022), AAAI ( since 2020), IJCAI (since 2020), ICML ( since 2021),
  • I am a Kaggle competition master

Selected publications:

  • Raul Fernandez-Diaz, Hoang Thanh Lam, Vanessa López, Denis C. Shields. A new framework for evaluating model out-of-distribution generalisation for the biochemical domain. ICLR 2025
  • Thanh Lam Hoang, Marco Luca Sbodio, Marcos Martínez Galindo, Mykhaylo Zayats, Raúl Fernández-Díaz, Victor Valls, Gabriele Picco, Cesar Berrospi, Vanessa López: Knowledge Enhanced Representation Learning for Drug Discovery. AAAI 2024
  • Thanh Lam Hoang, Gabriele Picco, Yufang Hou, Young-Suk Lee, Lam M. Nguyen, Dzung T. Phan, Vanessa López, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo: Ensembling Graph Predictions for AMR Parsing. NeurIPS 2021: 8495-8505
  • Gabriele Picco, Marcos Martínez Galindo, Alberto Purpura, Leopold Fuchs, Vanessa López, Thanh Lam Hoang: Zshot: An Open-source Framework for Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction. ACL (demo) 2023: 357-368
  • Young-Suk Lee, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Hoang Thanh Lam, Tahira Naseem, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos: Maximum Bayes Smatch Ensemble Distillation for AMR Parsing. NAACL 2022: 5379-5392
  • Hoang Thanh Lam, Beat Buesser, Hong Min, Tran Ngoc Minh, Martin Wistuba, Udayan Khurana, Gregory Bramble, Theodoros Salonidis, Dakuo Wang, Horst Samulowitz: Automated Data Science for Relational Data. ICDE 2021: 2689-2692
  • Hoang Thanh Lam, Fabian Moerchen, Dmitriy Fradkin, Toon Calders: Mining Compressing Sequential Patterns. SDM 2012: 319-330
  • Hoang Thanh Lam, Toon Calders, Ninh Pham: Online Discovery of Top-k Similar Motifs in Time Series Data. SDM 2011: 1004-1015
  • Hoang Thanh Lam, Toon Calders: Mining top-k frequent items in a data stream with flexible sliding windows. KDD 2010: 283-292

IBM products:

I am part of the following open-source initiative:

  • TabularFM A framework for building and benchmark foundational models for tabular data.
  • Graphene: graph ensemble learning for AMR parsing
  • ZShot: a Spacy plug-in for few and zero shot for named entity recognition and classification with textual descriptions.

Mentoring activities:


Top collaborators

Vanessa Lopez Garcia

Vanessa Lopez Garcia

Senior Research Scientist and Manager, AI for Health and Social Care, Master inventor
Subhro Das

Subhro Das

Research Staff Member, Master Inventor