Subhro Das


Research Staff Member, Master Inventor
Subhro Das


Subhro Das is a Staff Research Scientist and Research Manager at the MIT-IBM AI Lab, IBM Research, Cambridge MA. As a Research Affiliate at MIT and Principal Investigator (PI), he works on developing novel deep learning algorithms in collaboration with MIT researchers. He is an IBM Master Inventor and has filed 25+ patents in priority areas of machine learning and dynamical systems. His research papers are published in top top AI/ML and signal processing venues, including ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, AAAI, AISTATS, EACL, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and ICASSP.

His research interests are broadly in the areas of Representation Learning, Generative AI, Foundation Models, Trustworthy Machine Learning, Large Language Models, Reinforcement Learning, Dynamical Systems and ML Optimization methods. At the MIT-IBM AI Lab, his research work focuses on uncertainty quantification and human-centric system design for Large Language Models; deep learning for time-series; and, robust, accelerated & distributed optimization methods. He led the Future of Work initiative within IBM Research, studying the impact of AI on labor market and developing AI-driven recommendation frameworks for skills and talent management. Previously, at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in New York, he worked on developing signal processing and machine learning based predictive algorithms for a broad variety of biomedical and healthcare applications.

He received MS and PhD degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2014 and 2016, respectively. His dissertation research was in distributed filtering and prediction of time-varying random fields and he was advised by Prof. José M. F. Moura. He completed his Bachelors (B.Tech.) degree in Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in 2011. During the summers of 2009, 2010 and 2015, he interned at Ulm University (Germany), Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (South Korea), and, Bosch Research (Palo Alto, CA), respectively.

For updated information, please see his personal webpage:

Current MIT-IBM Research Grants

  • Human-Centric AI: Novel Algorithms for Shared Decision Making
    PI: David Sontag (MIT), Arvind Satyanarayan(MIT), Subhro Das (IBM), Dennis Wei (IBM), Prasanna Sattigeri (IBM)
  • Adaptive, Robust, and Collaborative Optimization
    PI: Ali Jadbabaie (MIT), Asu Ozdaglar(MIT), Subhro Das (IBM), Nima Dehnamy (IBM), Songtao Lu (IBM)
  • Safe Learning for Time Series Problems: Data, Structure and Optimization
    PI: Luca Daniel (MIT), Alexandre Mcgretski (MIT), Subhro Das (IBM), Lam Nguyen (IBM)
  • Principles and Methods for Exploiting Unlabeled Data in Supervised Learning
    PI: Greg Wornell (MIT), Subhro Das (IBM), Prasanna Sattigeri (IBM)
  • Coarse Graining Using Machine Learning
    PI: Tommi Jaakkola (MIT), Nima Dehmamy (IBM), Subhro Das (IBM)

Selected Publications

Full list of papers: Google Scholar


Mentored/supervised some outstanding graduate students during their internship and scholar programs at IBM Research: Quang Nguyen (PhD, MIT), Tuomas Oikarinen (PhD, UC San Diego), Maohao Shen (PhD, MIT), Eli Lucherini (PhD, Princeton), Kadeem Noray (PhD, Harvard), Ran Xin (PhD, CMU), Nicholas Borge (MS, MIT), Yingying Li (PhD, Harvard), Joshua Lee (PhD, MIT), Renzhe Yu (PhD, UC Irvine), Orlando Romero (PhD, RPI), Nathan Hunt (PhD, MIT). Aside from them, collaborated with several students and postdocs from multiple universities.


  • Two Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards, IBM Research, 2023.
  • IBM Invention Achievement Awards: 2017; 2019 (First Plateau); 2020 (Second Plateau); 2021 (Third Plateau); 2022 (Fourth Plateau); 2022 (three High Value Patent awards); 2023 (Fifth Plateau).
  • Elevated to IBM Master Inventor, Class of 2022.
  • IBM Outstanding Innovation Award, 2022.
  • Two IBM Research A-Level accomplishment awards recognizing contributions to two high-impact projects, 2021.
  • Best Paper Award, ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2021. HSCC Awards
  • IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, 2021.
  • Special Division Accomplishment Award, for Research Contributions to IBM COVID-19 Tech Taskforce, 2020.
  • Distinguished Paper Award, American Medical Informatics Association, 2018. AMIA Web
  • Best PhD Forum Award 2017, given by IEEE Signal Processing Society during ICASSP 2017 for best doctoral dissertation in Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing areas. CMU ECE News
  • A.G. Jordan Award, Carnegie Mellon University 2017, for combining outstanding Ph.D. thesis work with exceptional service to the ECE and CMU communities. ECE Awards, Ceremony Video
  • Aditya Birla Scholarship, 2007-11, for academic excellence and humane leadership values. The Times of India, ABGS Web

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