Pallab Datta


Pallab Datta


Senior Research Scientist, Brain-Inspired Computing


IBM Research - Almaden San Jose, CA USA


He is a member of the Brain-Inspired Computing group at IBM Almaden Research Center, which developed the NorthPole Neural Inference processor and the TrueNorth neurosynaptic processor.  He is currently a senior research scientist and technical lead for Compiler development for NorthPole. He joined IBM in 2010 to work on the DARPA funded IBM SyNAPSE Project. As part of the TrueNorth project he was involved in the development of the Corelet Programming Language for programming the reconfigurable neuromorphic hardware. He was also involved in the development of algorithms and applications with networks of neurosynaptic cores for building cognitive systems. He had also worked on large-scale simulations using the IBM Neuro Synaptic Core Simulator (Compass) as part of the IBM SyNAPSE Project.

Before joining IBM Research, he had worked at The NeuroSciences Institute and Los Alamos National Laboratory. He was also a visiting researcher at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis . He completed his PhD at Iowa State University in 2005 under the supervision of Prof. Arun K. Somani.

In general, his technical interests include machine learning, AI, Compilers, AI hardware architecture and simulations, High-performance & distributed computing & optimization techniques.

He has authored in several international journals and conferences, and is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and ACM.



Top collaborators

Andrew Cassidy

Andrew Cassidy

Principle Research Scientist, Brain-Inspired Computing
Arnon Amir

Arnon Amir

Senior Research Scientist, Brain Inspired Computing