Michele Aldeghi

Michele Aldeghi


Michele joined IBM Research Zurich in 2021 as a Ph.D. fellow in the Science & Technology and the Quantum Technology & Computing groups. He is part of a joint Doctorate program between University of Basel and the IBM Research Zurich Lab, and a student within the (Swiss) National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) project with the title 'Spin Qubits in Silicon'. His research mainly focuses on investigating and optimizing micro- and nanomagnets for manipulation of electron spins.

Michele holds an M.Sc. in Material science from ETH Zurich (CH) with focus on magnetism and semiconductor technology. Prior to joining IBM, Michele has served as Visiting International Student Researcher at the Thin Film Coating Group led by Prof. Murphy at University of South Australia (AU) and as research intern at Schunk Carbon Technology (DE). He also performed a research project at IBM about studying the influence of curvature on thin magnetic films.


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