Eunjung Cha


Visiting Scientist
Eunjung Cha



2015 – 2020 Ph.D., Microwave Engineering, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Thesis title: “InP High Electron Mobility Transistor for Cryogenic Low-Noise and Low-Power Amplifiers”, Supervisor: Prof. Jan Grahn

2011 – 2013 M.Sc., Physics, Faculty of Physics, Lund University, Sweden

2005 – 2010 B.Sc., Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea


2021 – 2023 Postdoctoral researcher, IBM Research GmbH (IBM), Switzerland

The project aims to improve the scalability of quantum computers by developing quantum-tailored cryogenic RF electronics that leverage unique cryogenic effects to surpass the performance of traditional technologies. I have developed III-V technology for cryogenic low-noise amplifiers and multiplexers for quantum signal processing, in addition to exploring a semiconductor-superconductor hybrid platform to further improve the high-frequency properties.

2015 – 2020 Ph.D., Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

The research focused to develop the InP HEMT for cryogenic ultra-low noise at low power dissipation (sub-mW dc power) for radio astronomy and quantum computer applications, and I have participated in a collaborative research project with the Swedish company Low Noise Factory. I developed a deep understanding and skills in device/circuit design and processing.

2014 Internship, ETH, Switzerland

The project was of the direct growth of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) monolayer on a silicon substrate by chemical vapor deposition. I developed the material synthesis system and was trained in the characterization techniques for the monolayer.

2012 – 2013 Master’s project, Lund University, Sweden (supervisor: Prof. Erik Lind)

The thesis project was for studying Ni-based ohmic contacts, which are an alternative to conventional Ti contacts on InAs/InGaAs, in order to reduce the contact resistivity. I systematically studied ohmic contact properties. From this project, I developed a low-resistive Ni-based contact by optimizing an alloying condition. In addition to the technical work, I presented my progress weekly and made optimization plans together with my supervisor.




Top collaborators

Cezar Zota

Cezar Zota

Staff Research Scientist, Master inventor