Dushyant Kumar Behl


Research Software Engineer
Dushyant Kumar Behl


Dushyant is a member of the telco cloud group at IBM Research India where he currently works on Network Functions performance and reliability improvement on Kubernetes/Openshift.
Prior to this, he worked in Blockchain and Smart Contracts Group and holds multiple published papers on blockchain interoperability. He also worked on protocols for decentralized marketplaces providing fair asset exchange on blockchain.
Dushyant has also worked in applied systems security and has experience in writing low level operating system/virtualization code and working with tursted execution environments.

He obtained a Dual Degree (B.Tech and M.Tech) in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India (IIT-D) where he worked in the areas of Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Operating Systems and Network Security.



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Praveen Jayachandran

Praveen Jayachandran

Senior Technical Staff Member & Senior Manager, AI and Multi-Cloud Platform, Master Inventor