Cássia Sampaio

Cássia Sampaio


Cássia Sampaio, Msc. is a research software engineer at the Tech For Justice group at IBM Research laboratory in Brazil. She holds a Msc. in Philosophy, Foundations Of Mathematics from Pontíficia Universidade Católica – Brazil with a CAPES scholarship. She has a graduation in Philosophy from Pontíficia Universidade Católica – Brazil and another graduation in Information Systems from Faculdade de Informática e Administração Paulista – Brazil. Her previous research experience was in computational methods applied to cell signaling pathways in cancer therapy in Instituto Butantan, with a FAPESP scholarship. Her primary research interest is on applying machine learning methods to drive innovations that address systemic biases and social inequities. Before joining IBM, Cássia worked mainly as a course instructor and data scientist.


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