Blair Edwards


STSM - Climate & Sustainability - Geospatial Data and Modelling
Blair Edwards


Blair’s research focuses around geospatial data and modelling workflows.  Developing novel cloud-native tools for accelerating the use of geospatial data for various applications. This includes ways to use data, AI and simulation modelling at scale, in a federated, composable, user-friendly manner.  His recent focus has been centred around Climate & Sustainability, initially around climate impacts such as flooding and wildfire, but the tools and techniques have broad applicability to a wide range of challenges around workflows, cloud and data.

Based at the Hartree Centre (Daresbury, UK) since joining IBM Research in 2016, leading data science efforts in the collaboration with STFC, including a range of client projects across a diverse range of industry sectors. Before joining IBM, Blair received an MPhys in Physics with Satellite Technology from the University of Surrey, followed by a PhD from Imperial College London in the field of experimental searches for WIMP Dark Matter (thesis). He continued this work at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Yale University as a Postdoctoral Associate.


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