IBM Granite now has eyesResearchKim Martineau26 Feb 2025Computer VisionGenerative AIGraniteNatural Language Processing
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IBM’s CodeFlare significantly cuts the time to automate transfer learning tasks for foundation models ResearchBishwaranjan Bhattacharjee, Raghu Ganti, Carlos Costa, Mudhakar Srivatsa, and Nick Fuller16 Dec 20214 minute readData ManagementFoundation ModelsHybrid Cloud PlatformMachine Learning
Learning from imaging data to model brain activityDeep DiveGuillermo Cecchi and James Kozloski18 Oct 202114 minute readHealthcareMachine Learning
Crowdsourcing to trace cell lineagesResearchPablo Meyer19 Aug 20216 minute readHealthcareLife SciencesMachine Learning
Tapping into the inner rhythm of living organisms with AI and MLResearchLaura-Jayne Gardiner and Anthony Hall05 Aug 20218 minute readAIExplainable AIMachine Learning
IBM welcomes CERN as a new hub in the IBM Quantum NetworkResearchIvano Tavernelli and Panagiotis Barkoutsos22 Jul 20217 minute readMachine LearningQuantumQuantum CommunityQuantum Machine Learning
Quantum kernels can solve machine learning problems that are hard for all classical methodsResearchYunchao Liu, Srinivasan Arunachalam, and Kristan Temme12 Jul 20215 minute readMachine LearningQuantumQuantum Machine LearningQuantum Research
An efficient method to learn quantum many-body systemsResearchSrinivasan Arunachalam and Ryan Mandelbaum02 Jun 20216 minute readMachine LearningQuantumQuantum Machine LearningQuantum Use Cases
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Speech-to-text AI could help doctors prescribe placebo to ease chronic painResearchSara Berger22 Mar 20216 minute readAIHealthcareMachine LearningSpeech
Researchers can speed up their AI model training with Snap MLReleaseWill Roberts05 Mar 20213 minute readAutomated AIMachine Learning
IBM’s AI goes multilingual — with single language trainingResearchMihaela Bornea, Lin Pan, Sara Rosenthal, Radu Florian, and Avirup Sil10 Feb 2021AIMachine Learning
AI goes anonymous during training to boost privacy protectionReleaseAbigail Goldsteen26 Jan 20214 minute readAdversarial Robustness and PrivacyData and AI SecurityMachine LearningSecurity
Preparing deep learning for the real world – on a wide scaleResearchPin-Yu Chen15 Dec 20203 minute readAdversarial Robustness and PrivacyAIMachine LearningTrustworthy AI
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox: One Year Later with v1.4ReleaseAbigail Goldsteen and Beat Buesser02 Oct 20204 minute readAdversarial Robustness and PrivacyData and AI SecurityMachine LearningSecurity
AI for AI set to make it easy to create machine learning algorithmsResearchKatia Moskvitch03 Feb 20208 minute readAIAutomated AIMachine Learning