Labeling educational content with academic learning standardsDanish ContractorKashyap Popatet al.2015SDM 2015
Believe it today or tomorrow? Detecting untrustworthy information from dynamic multi-source dataHouping XiaoYaliang Liet al.2015SDM 2015
A divide-and-conquer algorithm for betweenness centralityDora ErdosVatche Isahagianet al.2015SDM 2015
Near-separable non-negative matrix factorization with ℓ1 and Bregman loss functionsAbhishek KumarVikas Sindhwani2015SDM 2015
GIN: A clustering model for capturing dual heterogeneity in networked dataJialu LiuChi Wanget al.2015SDM 2015
Health insurance market risk assessment: Covariate shift and k-anonymityDennis WeiKarthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthyet al.2015SDM 2015