Thermal and optical simulation of InP-on-Si nanocavity lasersPengyan WenPreksha Tiwariet al.2021NUSOD 2021
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Probing the chiral Fermi surface of the Weyl semimetal NbP using Transverse Electron FocusingFederico BalduiniAlan Molinariet al.2023CMD 2023
Correlation between structural and magnetotransport properties in topological CoSi thin filmsAlan MolinariHeinz Schmidet al.2021NANO 2021
Topological magnetotransport properties of micron-scale CoSi Hall bars fabricated by focused ion beam millingAlan MolinariHeinz Schmidet al.2021MNE 2021
Thermal Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Optically Pumped InP-on-Si Micro- and Nanocavity LasersPengyan WenPreksha Tiwariet al.2022ACS Photonics