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236 results for
Keith A. Jenkins- Keith A. Jenkins
- Scott E. Doyle
- 1992
- IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine
- Keith A. Jenkins
- Robert L. Franch
- 1992
- IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
- Keith A. Jenkins
- P. Agnello
- et al.
- 1992
- Applied Physics Letters
- Keith A. Jenkins
- Byungdu Oh
- 1991
- Journal of Applied Physics
- J.N. Burghartz
- J.D. Cressler
- et al.
- 1991
- Microelectronic Engineering
- Keith A. Jenkins
- David F. Heidel
- 1991
- Microelectronic Engineering
- 1991
- IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
- Keith A. Jenkins
- John D. Cressler
- 1991
- Pong-Fei Lu
- James D. Warnock
- et al.
- 1991
- Linda M. Geppert
- David F. Heidel
- et al.
- 1991
- IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits