Conference paper

Young guns/object orientation: The next generation


OOPSLA attendees have traditionally looked to the panel program for red-meat relief from a diet of high-fiber technical track material and abstruse Onward! exotica. However, panels often feature a tired parade of the usual suspects: the same faces hawking the same hackneyed twentieth century ideas over and over again. At the same time, familiar names are a predicable draw. The effect is that it may take many years for new blood to find its way into the panel program.This panel seeks to break this logjam by featuring only panelists at or under the age of 0x20. They will offer their opinions and insights as to what we have been doing wrong for the last twenty years and what they will have to do fix it. Grudging recognition of what has gone right may be offered as well.Mechanisms to guarantee the anonymity of the most brash positions will allow the participants to be provocative as well as precocious.
