Conference paper

WRF nature run


The Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model is a limited-area model of the atmosphere for mesoscale research and operational numerical weather prediction (NWP). A petascale problem is a WRF nature run that provides very high-resolution "truth" against which more coarse simulations or perturbation runs may be compared for purposes of studying predictability, stochastic parameterization, and fundamental dynamics. We carried out a nature run involving an idealized high resolution rotating fluid on the hemisphere to investigate scales that span the k-3 to k-5/3 kinetic energy spectral transition of the observed atmosphere using 65,536 processors of the BG/L machine at LLNL. We worked through issues of parallel I/O and scalability. The primary result is not just the scalability and high Tflops number, but an important step towards understanding weather predictability at high resolution. (c) 2007 ACM.


Conference paper

WRF nature run

John Michalakes, Josh Hacker, et al.

SciDAC 2008