ITVE 2001
Conference paper

Virtual enterprises-building blocks for dynamic e-business

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Dynamic e-business, as envisioned by several industry analysts and corporate leaders, involves the rapid teaming of companies with both familiar and new business partners in pursuit of specific market opportunities. For realizing this new generation business model, the ability to form, operate, and disband virtual enterprises will be the single-most important requirement. These short-lived, opportunity-based organizations leverage the individual capabilities of several member companies to form virtual enterprises that have resources equivalent to a traditional vertically integrated corporation. Before successfully applying this business model, however, several issues need to be resolved, such as building trust and a collaborative attitude amongst member companies, developing the e-commerce infrastructure for handling engineered-to-order products and services, building optimal coalitions for the job, etc. This paper discusses our experiences in developing a web-based infrastructure for creating, operating, and eventually dissolving virtual enterprises. The primary operators of this infrastructure will be market makers offering custom products and services in various industries as well as corporations involved in bringing new products to the market.



ITVE 2001


