Conference paper

Using symbiotic displays to view sensitive information in public


Symbiotic displays are intelligent network devices that can be enlisted on demand by mobile devices, offering higher resolutions and larger viewing areas. Users of small mobile devices can consequently map various kinds of information to the displays that are most appropriate for comfortably viewing them. The availability of these displays in public areas, where passersby may glimpse another's sensitive information, introduces a privacy issue. To address this, we suggest a technique that combines the blurring of sensitive words on the public symbiotic display with a user interface that allows these words to be read on the display of a personal mobile device. We describe three ways in which such interactions can be enabled and discuss the architectural trade-offs associated with these approaches. We also describe a prototype implementation of an email reading application utilizing an IBM WatchPad [10] and an Everywhere Display projector [12], This prototype was demonstrated at PerCom '04. © 2005 IEEE.


Venkat Balagurusamy, Cyril Cabral, et al.

IBM J. Res. Dev