Using cQED techniques to study of superconductivity in monolayer WTe2
Superconductivity in two-dimensional materials remains in many aspects still an unexplored territory. There have been numerous theoretical proposals describing the formation of a superconducting state in 2D-systems. However, conventional techniques fall short in probing the underlying pairing symmetry in those small-scaled materials. In this talk, we explore methods commonly used in circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED), particularly superconducting qubits to probe the voltage-tunable superconducting state of monolayer tungsten ditelluride (mono-WTe2). By in-situ fabrication of superconducting contacts, we examine the properties of a hybrid NbN-WTe2 resonator. As a result of direct tuning of the gate voltage and temperature we observed anomalous changes in the resonator frequency, suggesting a presents of competing phases at low temperatures.