Conference paper

Uniform threshold scalar quantizer performance in Wyner-Ziv coding with memoryless, additive Laplacian correlation channel


The performance of a uniform-threshhold scalar quantizer in Wyner-Ziv coding is investigated in this paper. To derive analytical expressions we assume the abstract correlation channel from the side information to the source to be encoded is memoryless, additive Laplacian. Furthermore, in order to focus our attention on the performance of the quantizer, the Wyner-Ziv coding scheme is assumed to encode the quantizer output by using perfect Slepian-Wolf coding. Analytical expressions for the operational rate-distortion function are obtained for this case. By evaluating these analytical expressions, we show that scalar quantization with a mid-tread uniform threshhold quantizer, followed by perfect Slepian Wolf coding achieves performance which is close to the theoretical Wyner-Ziv rate-distortion bound at low rates. © 2006 IEEE.
