Conference paper

Two-oracle optimal path planning on grid maps


Path planning on grid maps has progressed significantly in recent years, partly due to the Grid-based Path Planning Competition GPPC. In this work we present an optimal approach which combines features from two modern path planning systems, SRC and JPS+, both of which were among the strongest entrants at the 2014 edition of the competition. Given a current state s and a target state t, SRC is used as an oracle to provide an optimal move from s towards t. Once a direction is available we invoke a second JPS-based oracle to tell us for how many steps that move can be repeated, with no need to query the oracles between these steps. Experiments on a range of grid maps demonstrate a strong improvement from our combined approach. Against SRC, which remains an optimal solver with state-of-the-art speed, the performance improvement of our new system ranges from comparable to more than one order of magnitude faster.
