
The potential of DABCO for two-photon amplification


A study is made of the potential of triethylenediamine (DABCO) vapor for amplification of resonantly tuned picosecond pulses by two-photon stimulated emission (TPSE). Essential parameters needed to assess the feasibility of this experiment were determined. These include the absorption spectrum and population dynamics of the excited à state, and the (transient regime) Ã→X̃ two-photon cross section B. It is concluded that B is ∼5X too small to allow a demonstration of TPSE in a multipass ∼300 K DABCO cell, pressurized to ∼2 atm of H2, and end pumped with a ∼1J KrF laser beam. Much higher gain exists for stimulated anti-Stokes Raman emission, which is predicted to be a practicable generating mechanism of picosecond UV (λ∼2600 Å) pulses, if a picosecond pump source near ∼2.5 μm can be found. © 1985 American Institute of Physics.
