Discrete Applied Mathematics

Spectral partitioning with multiple eigenvectors

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The graph partitioning problem is to divide the vertices of a graph into disjoint clusters to minimize the total cost of the edges cut by the clusters. A spectral partitioning heuristic uses the graph's eigenvectors to construct a geometric representation of the graph (e.g., linear orderings) which are subsequently partitioned. Our main result shows that when all the eigenvectors are used, graph partitioning reduces to a new vector partitioning problem. This result implies that as many eigenvectors as are practically possible should be used to construct a solution. This philosophy is in contrast to that of the widely used spectral bipartitioning (SB) heuristic (which uses only a single eigenvector) and several previous multi-way partitioning heuristics [8, 11, 17, 27, 38] (which use k eigenvectors to construct k-way partitionings). Our result motivates a simple ordering heuristic that is a multiple-eigenvector extension of SB. This heuristic not only significantly outperforms recursive SB, but can also yield excellent multi-way VLSI circuit partitionings as compared to [1, 11]. Our experiments suggest that the vector partitioning perspective opens the door to new and effective partitioning heuristics. The present paper updates and improves a preliminary version of this work [5]. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.



Discrete Applied Mathematics


