
SEA-LEAP: Self-Adaptive and Locality-Aware Edge Analytics Placement


Near real-time edge analytics requires dealing with the rapidly growing amount of data, limited resources, and high failure probabilities of edge nodes. Therefore, data replication is of vital importance to meet SLOs such as service availability and failure resilience. Consequently, specific input datasets, requested by on-demand analytics (e.g., object detection), can be present at different locations over time. This can prevent exploitation of data locality and timely decision-making processes. State-of-the-art solutions for on-demand edge analytics placement either fail in providing low-latency access to user-requested input data or do not consider data locality. We propose SEA-LEAP (Self-adaptive and Locality-aware Edge Analytics Placement), a framework including a new mechanism for tracking data movements, on top of which we devise a generic control mechanism. SEA-LEAP enables on-the-fly placement of on-demand analytics considering the most appropriate dataset location that minimizes overall analytics requests execution time. We conduct experiments using real-world (i) object detection application, (ii) image datasets as input, (iii) self-designed benchmarks, and (iv) heterogeneous edge infrastructure using Kubernetes. Experimental results show the ability to efficiently deploy on-demand analytics and reduce total latency by 65.85 percent on average by performing adaptive data movements, indicating a promising solution for edge multi-cluster and hybrid environments.
