IT Professional

S3: A service-oriented reference architecture

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Service-oriented Solution Stack (S3) offers a detailed architectural definition of an SOA (service oriented architecture) across that aims to reinforce value. The metamodel, the model for instantiating S3 for a given SOA solution captures architectural building blocks reusable functional elements. Each of S3's nine layers has a logical and physical aspect, which includes all the architectural building blocks, design decisions, options, key performance indicators, and so on, the physical aspect covers the realization of each logical aspect using technology and products. The provider view in the S3 is the business and technical capability that a service must deliver to satisfy its consumers, while the consumer view is the business and technical capability that the service is expected to deliver in the context of that consumer alone. S3s nine layers are operational systems, service component, services, business process, consumer, integration, Q0S, information architecture, and governance and policies.



IT Professional