Conference paper

Reuse in model-based systems engineering


In model-based systems engineering, systems are built as models. Models are abstractions, since they are not the real physical parts, but a data representation of then in a computer. As such, it is tempting to establish a methodology and a system in which models can be shared among projects. When an engineer creates new models of components in a new project, her past experience in making similar components, as well as that of her colleagues, can be easily reused since no physical limitations get in the way. Models in our case are actually mathematical equations. Yet, the wide variety of design tools makes it difficult to take an existing component model created in one tool and reuse it in another. This problem is often classified as 'tools interoperability' where models need to be shared among tools. Scenarios which give rise to such needs occur when teams collaborate on the same project, but belong to different organizations or different disciplines. Yet, the advantage of reuse is very obvious and presents a certain use case for interoperability. Our scenario would be a systems engineering organization that needs to support reuse in its design work. Our use-case would be different than the problem of product-lines. There, components are designed for ease of customization to match different, but similar requirements, while sharing one source that can be varied towards multiple different outcomes. Here, reuse can be applied too over a design for a product-line. Internet of Things (IoT) and design patterns will be looked at as well to be proper candidates to benefit from the approach to reuse as will be presented in this paper.
