Conference paper

Research Ethics in HCI: A SIGCHI Community Discussion


An ongoing challenge within the HCI community is coming to a shared understanding of research ethics in the face of our diverse disciplinary traditions, evolving technologies and methods, and multiple geographic and cultural settings. Building upon previous panels and town halls organized by the SIGCHI Research Ethics Committee at conferences including CSCW, CHI, GROUP, and IDC, this special interest group convening is intended to provide space for the broader HCI community to highlight, debate, and discuss current ethical challenges within our domain, and work toward the development of guidelines and processes for supporting-and evaluating- ethical research. For 2022, we are proposing a SIG rather than a more formal panel, to encourage more people who are not committee members to speak, share, and discuss their perspectives and challenges when engaging with research ethics in HCI. This conversation will benefit from a diversity of voices and perspectives to help us all learn from each other and think deeply and the values and ethical commitments of our research community.
