Conference paper

Practical experience in deploying and controlling the data sharing interoperability layer at the UK land open systems architecture (LOSA) field trials in October 2012


In October 2012 the UK MoD sponsored a multi-vendor field integration trial in support of its Land Open Systems Architecture (LOSA), an open, service based architecture for systems integration and interoperability which builds on the progress made with the Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA, DefStan 23-09), Generic Base Architecture (GBA, DefStan 23-13) and the Generic Soldier Architecture (DefStan 23-12) programs. The aim of this trial was to experiment with a common data and power interoperability across and in support of the Soldier, Vehicles and Bases domains. This paper presents an overview of the field trial and discusses how the ITA Information Fabric, technology originated in the US and UK International Technology Alliance program, was extended to support the control of the data interoperability layer across various data bearers. This included: (a) interoperability and information sharing across multiple stove piped and legacy solutions; (b) command and control and bandwidth optimization of streamed data (e.g. video) over a peer-to-peer ad-hoc network across multiple domains - integration of disparate sensor systems; (c) integration with DDS based C2 systems. © 2013 SPIE.
