EuroMPI 2013
Conference paper

Optimization of MPI-allreduce on the blue Gene/Q supercomputer

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The IBM Blue Gene/Q supercomputer has a 5D torus network where each node is connected to ten bi-directional links. In this paper we present techniques to optimize the MPI Allreduce collective operation by building ten different edge disjoint spanning trees on the ten torus links. We accelerate summing of network packets with local buffers by the use of Quad Processing SIMD unit in the BG/Q cores and executing the sums on multiple communication threads created by the PAMI libraries. The net gain we achieve is a peak throughput of 6.3 GB/sec for double precision floating point sum allreduce, that is a speedup of 3.75x over the collective network based algorithm in the product MPI stack on BG/Q. Copyright 2013 ACM.



EuroMPI 2013


