
Optimization issues in multimedia systems


Multimedia systems must meet stringent real-time performance criteria in order to satisfy customer requirements. Because of these criteria, and because of the rich structure inherent in video-on-demand (VOD) applications, there is both need and opportunity to employ sophisticated mathematical optimization techniques. In this paper we present an overview of several recent optimization algorithms for multimedia systems, concentrating on the techniques themselves. In particular, we will describe a VOD batching algorithm known as the maximum factored queue length policy, based in part on solving a simple instance of a so-called mathematical resource allocation problem. Next we will describe an optimization problem arising when employing a VOD technique known as adaptive piggybacking. This problem can be solved as a dynamic program, and the scheme which results is known as the snapshot algorithm. Finally we will describe a so-called DASD dancing algorithm for VOD disk load balancing, which depends on the solution to a set of three somewhat more advanced resource allocation problems. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
