Conference paper

Optical diagnostics for IBM POWER6 TM Microprocessor


As design complexity increases and process technologies shrink, high resolution and quick turnaround diagnostics are always in high demand. This is especially importantfor the development of high performance microprocessors, where not only the gross defects are a big concern, but small "AC" defects (soft defects) are as well. To diagnose these "AC" defects, conventional electrical diagnostic techniques, such as software-based and tester-based approaches, might not be effective. Inthis paper, a dynamic laser stimulation technique is described. When combined with the Picosecond Imaging Circuit Analysis (PICA) technique, very high diagnostic resolution can be achieved. Several IBM Power6 TM (P6) microprocessor [1] diagnostic examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed diagnostic strategy and methods. © 2008 IEEE.
