SIAM Journal on Computing

On the composition of zero-knowledge proof systems

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The wide applicability of zero-knowledge interactive proofs comes from the possibility of using these proofs as subroutines in cryptographic protocols. A basic question concerning this use is whether the (sequential and/or parallel) composition of zero-knowledge protocols is zero-knowledge too. We demonstrate the limitations of the composition of zero-knowledge protocols by proving that the original definition of zero-knowledge is not closed under sequential composition; and that even the strong formulations of zero-knowledge (e.g., black-box simulation) are not closed under parallel execution. We present lower bounds on the round complexity of zero-knowledge proofs, with significant implications for the parallelization of zero-knowledge protocols. We prove that three-round interactive proofs and constant-round Arthur-Merlin proofs that are black-box simulation zero-knowledge exist only for languages in BPP. In particular, it follows that the "parallel versions" of the first interactive proofs systems presented for quadratic residuosity, graph isomorphism, and any language in NP, are not black-box simulation zero-knowledge, unless the corresponding languages are in BPP. Whether these parallel versions constitute zero-knowledge proofs was an intriguing open questions arising from the early works on zero-knowledge. Other consequences are a proof of optimality for the round complexity of various known zero-knowledge protocols and the necessity of using secret coins in the design of "parallelizable" constant-round zero-knowledge proofs.



SIAM Journal on Computing


