
Multidimensional content eXploration


Content Management Systems (CMS) store enterprise data such as insurance claims, insurance policies, legal documents, patent applications, or archival data like in the case of digital libraries. Search over content allows for information retrieval, but does not provide users with great insight into the data. A more analytical view is needed through analysis, aggregations, groupings, trends, pivot tables or charts, and so on. Multidimensional Content eXploration (MCX) is about effectively analyzing and exploring large amounts of content by combining keyword search with OLAP-style aggregation, navigation, and reporting. We focus on unstructured data or generally speaking documents or content with limited metadata, as it is typically encountered in CMS. We formally present how CMS content and metadata should be organized in a well-defined multidimensional structure, so that sophisticated queries can be expressed and evaluated. The CMS metadata provide traditional OLAP static dimensions that are combined with dynamic dimensions discovered from the analyzed keyword search result, as well as measures for document scores based on the link structure between the documents. In addition, we provide means for multidimensional content exploration through traditional OLAP rollupdrilldown operations on the static and dynamic dimensions, solutions for multi-cube analysis and dynamic navigation of the content. We present our prototype, called DBPubs, which stores research publications as documents that can be searched and -most importantly-analyzed, and explored. Finally, we present experimental results of the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach. © 2008 VLDB Endowment.
