
Multi-Modality Imaging Enables Detailed Hemodynamic Simulations in Dissecting Aneurysms in Mice


A multi-modality imaging-based modeling approach was used to study complex unsteady hemodynamics and lesion growth in a dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysm model. We combined in vivo ultrasound (geometry and flow) and in vitro optical coherence tomography (OCT) (geometry) to obtain the high resolution needed to construct detailed hemodynamic simulations over large portions of the murine vasculature, which include fine geometric complexities. We illustrate this approach for a spectrum of dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysms induced in male apolipoprotein E-null mice by high-dose angiotensin II infusion. In vivo morphological and hemodynamic data provide information on volumetric lesion growth and changes in blood flowdynamics, respectively, occurring fromthe day of initial aortic expansion. We validated the associatedcomputational models by comparing results on time-varying outlet flows and vortical structureswithin the lesions. Three out of four lesions exhibited abrupt formation of thrombus, though different in size. We determined that a lesion without thrombus formed with a thickened vessel wall, which was resolvable by OCT and histology. We attribute differences in final sizes and compositions of these lesions to the different computed flow and vortical structures we obtained in our mouse-specific fluid dynamic models. Differences in morphology and hemodynamics play crucial roles in determining the evolution of dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysms. Coupled high resolution in vivo and in vitro imaging approaches provide much-improved geometric models for hemodynamic simulations. Our imaging-based computational findings suggest a link between perturbations in hemodynamic metrics and aneurysmal disease heterogeneity.
