
Massively Parallel Switch-Level Simulation: A Feasibility Study


This work addresses the feasiblity of mapping the COSMOS switch-level simulator onto a computer with thousands of simple processors. COSMOS preprocesses transistor networks into Boolean behavioral models, capturing the switch-level behavior of a circuit in a set of Boolean formulas. We describe a class of massively parallel computers and a mapping of COSMOS onto these computers. We discuss the factors affecting the performance of such a massively parallel simulator, including: the amount of parallelism in the simulation model, performance measures for massively parallel machines, and the impact of event scheduling on simulator performance. We have developed compilation tools which automatically map a MOS circuit onto a massively parallel computer. Techniques for restructuring Boolean expressions for greater parallelism and mapping Boolean expressions for evaluation on massively parallel machines are described. Massively parallel switch-level simulation is illustrated by our pilot implementation on a 32k processor Thinking Machines Connection Machine System. © 1991 IEEE
