
Low-temperature diffusion and solubility of Ni in P-doped Czochralski-grown Si


The transport of Ni atoms through P-doped Czochralski-grown (5×1014 cm-3) Si 100 single-crystal wafers has been measured in the temperature range of 450 to 540°C utilizing an Al sink and the Rutherford backscattering technique. It is described by DC=(8×1022)exp[-(2.16 eV/kT)] atoms/cm sec, where D and C are the diffusivity and solubility of Ni in Si, respectively. An independent measurement of Ni solubility in these Si wafers was also made by the neutron activation technique following an anneal at 500°C for 20 h resulting in a value of 1017 atoms/cm3. By invoking a clustering model of interstitial Ni with substitutional P and possibly oxygen, it was possible to obtain diffusion constants of Ni D=(6.3×10-4)exp[-(0.76 eV/kT)] cm2/sec. Furthermore, the binding model also seems to provide a justification of the above-mentioned large Ni solubility. © 1986 The American Physical Society.
