
Low-cost AFM cantilever manufacturing technology

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In this paper, we present a method for reducing the fabrication cost of AFM cantilevers drastically. The manufacturing process is based on a generic technique for heterogeneous device integration and interconnects at wafer-scale level called 'microdevice distribution' technology, which relies on the selective transfer of microdevices to distribute them from one wafer to many. The cost reduction is achieved by using a low-cost method for distributing the expensive high-quality part consisting of the cantilever beam with its tip to a low-cost, prefabricated substrate containing the handling body of the AFM chip. The distribution method relies on selective bonding using an adhesive polymer layer and device release based on laser ablation. For this demonstration, a distribution ratio of 42 has been chosen (42 receiver wafers populated with one source wafer), but much higher distribution ratios are also possible. Two different types of receiver wafers containing the chips body have been investigated: one is a prediced silicon wafer and the other a patterned photoplastic wafer. To enable the transfer onto a prestructured device, the method has been optimized for free-standing device transfer. A stamping method using a 3D stamp has also been investigated as a low-cost process for defining the selection adhesive pad. The cost-reduction method proposed is generic and can be applied to many different types of microdevice fabrication. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.





