
Josephson-junction-embedded transmission-line resonators: From Kerr medium to in-line transmon


We provide a general method to find the Hamiltonian of a linear circuit in the presence of a nonlinearity. Focusing on the case of a Josephson junction embedded in a transmission-line resonator, we solve for the normal modes of the system by taking into account exactly the effect of the quadratic (i.e., inductive) part of the Josephson potential. The nonlinearity is then found to lead to self and cross-Kerr effects, as well as beam-splitter-type interactions between modes. By adjusting the parameters of the circuit, the Kerr coefficient K can be made to reach values that are weak (K<κ), strong (Kκ), or even very strong (Kκ) with respect to the photon-loss rate κ. In the latter case, the resonator+junction circuit corresponds to an in-line version of the transmon. By replacing the single junction by a SQUID, the Kerr coefficient can be tuned in situ, allowing, for example, the fast generation of Schrödinger cat states of microwave light. Finally, we explore the maximal strength of qubit-resonator coupling that can be reached in this setting. © 2012 American Physical Society.
